国际贸易International trade is the exchange of capital, goods and services across international boundaries or territories.[1] In most countries, it represents a significant share of GDP. While international trade has been present throughout much of history (see Silk Road, Amber Road), its economic, social, and political importance has been on the rise in recent centuries. Instrialization, advanced transportation, globalization, multinational corporations, and outsourcing are all having a major impact on the international trade system. Increasing international trade is crucial to the continuance of globalization. International trade is a major source of economic revenue for any nation that is considered a world power. Without international trade, nations would be limited to the goods and services proced within their own borders.International trade is in principle not different from domestic trade as the motivation and the behavior of parties involved in a trade does not change fundamentally depending on whether trade is across a border or not. The main difference is that international trade is typically more costly than domestic trade. The reason is that a border typically imposes additional costs such as tariffs, time costs e to border delays and costs associated with country differences such as language, the legal system or a different culture.Another difference between domestic and international trade is that factors of proction such as capital and labor are typically more mobile within a country than across countries. Thus international trade is mostly restricted to trade in goods and services, and only to a lesser extent to trade in capital, labor or other factors of proction. Then trade in good and services can serve as a substitute for trade in factors of proction. Instead of importing the factor of proction a country can import goods that make intensive use of the factor of proction and are thus embodying the respective factor. An example is the import of labor-intensive goods by the United States from China. Instead of importing Chinese labor the United States is importing goods from China that were proced with Chinese labor.International trade is also a branch of economics, which, together with international finance, forms the larger branch of international economics.ModelsSeveral different models have been proposed to predict patterns of trade and to analyze the effects of trade policies such as tariffs.[edit] Ricardian modelMain article: Ricardian modelThe Ricardian model focuses on comparative advantage and is perhaps the most important concept in international trade theory. In a Ricardian model, countries specialize in procing what they proce best. Unlike other models, the Ricardian framework predicts that countries will fully specialize instead of procing a broad array of goods. Also, the Ricardian model does not directly consider factor endowments, such as the relative amounts of labor and capital within a country.[edit] Heckscher-Ohlin modelMain article: Heckscher-Ohlin modelThe Heckscher-Ohlin model was proced as an alternative to the Ricardian model of basic comparative advantage. Despite its greater complexity it did not prove much more accurate in its predictions. However from a theoretical point of view it did provide an elegant solution by incorporating the neoclassical price mechanism into international trade theory.The theory argues that the pattern of international trade is determined by differences in factor endowments. It predicts that countries will export those goods that make intensive use of locally abundant factors and will import goods that make intensive use of factors that are locally scarce. Empirical problems with the H-O model, known as the Leontief paradox, were exposed in empirical tests by Wassily Leontief who found that the United States tended to export labor intensive goods despite having a capital abundance.[edit] Specific factors modelIn this model, labour mobility between instries is possible while capital is immobile between instries in the short-run. Thus, this model can be interpreted as a 'short run' version of the Heckscher-Ohlin model. The specific factors name refers to the given that in the short-run specific factors of proction, such as physical capital, are not easily transferable between instries. The theory suggests that if there is an increase in the price of a good, the owners of the factor of proction specific to that good will profit in real terms. Additionally, owners of opposing specific factors of proction (i.e. labour and capital) are likely to have opposing agendas when lobbying for controls over immigration of labour. Conversely, both owners of capital and labour profit in real terms from an increase in the capital endowment. This model is ideal for particular instries. This model is ideal for understanding income distribution but awkward for discussing the pattern of trade![edit] New Trade TheoryMain article: New Trade TheoryNew Trade theory tries to explain several facts about trade, which the two main models above have difficulty with. These include the fact that most trade is between countries with similar factor endowment and proctivity levels, and the large amount of multinational proction (ie foreign direct investment) which exists. In one example of this framework, the economy exhibits monopolistic competition, and increasing returns to scale.[edit] Gravity modelMain article: Gravity model of tradeThe Gravity model of trade presents a more empirical analysis of trading patterns rather than the more theoretical models discussed above. The gravity model, in its basic form, predicts trade based on the distance between countries and the interaction of the countries' economic sizes. The model mimics the Newtonian law of gravity which also considers distance and physical size between two objects. The model has been proven to be empirically strong through econometric analysis. Other factors such as income level, diplomatic relationships between countries, and trade policies are also included in expanded versions of the model.[edit] Regulation of international tradeTraditionally trade was regulated through bilateral treaties between two nations. For centuries under the belief in Mercantilism most nations had high tariffs and many restrictions on international trade. In the 19th century, especially in Britain, a belief in free trade became paramount. This belief became the dominant thinking among western nations since then despite the acknowledgement that adoption of the policy coincided with the general decline of Great Britain. In the years since the Second World War, controversial multilateral treaties like the GATT and World Trade Organization have attempted to create a globally regulated trade structure. These trade agreements have often resulted in protest and discontent with claims of unfair trade that is not mutually beneficial.Free trade is usually most strongly supported by the most economically powerful nations, though they often engage in selective protectionism for those instries which are strategically important such as the protective tariffs applied to agriculture by the United States and Europe. The Netherlands and the United Kingdom were both strong advocates of free trade when they were economically dominant, today the United States, the United Kingdom, Australia and Japan are its greatest proponents. However, many other countries (such as India, China and Russia) are increasingly becoming advocates of free trade as they become more economically powerful themselves. As tariff levels fall there is also an increasing willingness to negotiate non tariff measures, including foreign direct investment, procurement and trade facilitation. The latter looks at the transaction cost associated with meeting trade and customs proceres.Traditionally agricultural interests are usually in favour of free trade while manufacturing sectors often support protectionism. This has changed somewhat in recent years, however. In fact, agricultural lobbies, particularly in the United States, Europe and Japan, are chiefly responsible for particular rules in the major international trade treaties which allow for more protectionist measures in agriculture than for most other goods and services.During recessions there is often strong domestic pressure to increase tariffs to protect domestic instries. This occurred around the world ring the Great Depression. Many economists have attempted to portray tariffs as the underlining reason behind the collapse in world trade that many believe seriously deepened the depression.The regulation of international trade is done through the World Trade Organization at the global level, and through several other regional arrangements such as MERCOSUR in South America, NAFTA between the United States, Canada and Mexico, and the European Union between 27 independent states. The 2005 Buenos Aires talks on the planned establishment of the Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA) failed largely e to opposition from the populations of Latin American nations. Similar agreements such as the MAI (Multilateral Agreement on Investment) have also failed in recent years.[edit] Risks in international tradeThe risks that exist in international trade can be divided into two major groups[edit] Economic risksRisk of insolvency of the buyer, Risk of protracted default - the failure of the buyer to pay the amount e within six months after the e date Risk of non-acceptance Surrendering economic sovereignty Risk of Exchange rate [edit] Political risksRisk of cancellation or non-renewal of export or import licences War risks Risk of expropriation or confiscation of the importer's company Risk of the imposition of an import ban after the shipment of the goods Transfer risk - imposition of exchange controls by the importer's country or foreign currency shortages Surrendering political sovereignty Influence of political parties in importer's company
这首Gavin Degraw——Fire Oh if theres one thing to be taught 哦 如果有件事是要记住的那会是 its dreams are made to be caught 梦想是用来追逐的 and。
Africa 非洲Suez Canal, Egypt 苏伊士运河Nairobi National Park, Kenya 肯尼亚内罗毕国家公园Cape of Good Hope, South Africa 南非好望角Sahara Deser。
我来给你答案吧:先贴一个回答其他人的帖子:去哪里比较好 沙巴 长滩岛 普吉岛 巴厘岛1.景色沙巴、长滩、普吉是一类,海岛度假型,这个是海边度假,发呆看书晒太阳,参加海边活动,浮潜、跳岛游、香蕉船、降落伞。要排列的话从好到一般:沙巴的离岛,普。
铁路保价运输,是指托运人在托运物品时向铁路承运人声明物品的实版际价值,并缴纳相应的权费用,当物品在运输过程中发生损失时,铁路承运人按照托运人的声明价值赔偿损失。 铁路行李、包裹运输分为保价运输和不保价运输,托运人可以选择其中一种运。
在前几天,爸爸妈妈带着我一起去游西湖。我们到杭州的时候已经是晚上了。只好先找个宾馆住下。可是在人生地不熟的杭州,就连乘个车都很麻烦。我们打的到了西湖旁的一个宾馆。 第二天,我早早的起了床,也叫醒了爸爸妈妈。到了西湖。哇!真不愧是水光潋。
“不读三国,不是英雄……”可我要唱“不去三国城,不是英雄!” 上午八点刚过,我们便来到了目的地。远远地,便看到一根火炬似的圆柱,上面赫然写着“中央电视台无锡影视基地三国城”。 三国城位于无锡西北面,她依山傍水,景色秀丽,迎面是烟波浩渺的太。
“不读三国,不是英雄……”可我要唱“不去三国城,不是英雄!” 上午八点刚过,我们便来到了目的地。远远地,便看到一根火炬似的圆柱,上面赫然写着“中央电视台无锡影视基地三国城”。 三国城位于无锡西北面,她依山傍水,景色秀丽,迎面是烟波浩渺的太。
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