Land Unit Leader Traits 领导技能Logistics Wizard 后勤大师Reces fuel and supply consumption of non-moving units commanded by a leader with this trait (by -25%).减少未移动部队的燃料和补给消耗25%Bitvalue: 1Defensive Doctrine 防守专家Increases defensive effectiveness of units commanded by a leader with this trait (by +10%).加防御效率10%Bitvalue: 2Offensive Doctrine 进攻专家Increases offensive effectiveness of units commanded by a leader with this trait (by +10%).加进攻效率10%Bitvalue: 4Winter Specialist 冬季作战专家Increases the effectiveness of troops fighting in snow by +25% and Frozen terrain by +20%.加冻土作战效率20%,雪中作战效率25%Bitvalue: 8Trickster 奇袭专家The effects of this trait are, well... somewhat tricky: It increases the chance that the combat event Surprise will occur, on offense as well as on defense. This chance is further influenced by how advanced your own instrial research of Encryption and Decryption (E&D) technologies is relative to your opponent. Exact figures, however, apparently are unknown (at least for HoI2 version 1.2). I also do not know whether Skill Level of the Trickster leader is having an influence on the probability of a Surprise occurring.When a successful Surprise has occured, combat efficiency of the opposing forces is reced by 20% and it will read "Surprise" in their combat details pane. From gaming experience it has been my observation that Surprise is a rare event (in HoI2 version 1.2), probably not more than once in 20 battles, even with E&D fully researched.A Trickster will also hide the exact division strength of his formation. In practical terms this means that when playing with counters on, the opponent will keep guessing whether there are 2 or 3 divisions in a "XXX" formation, and will never know how many there are in a "XXXX" formation (although four divisions is the minimum for "XXXX", while "XX" obviously is always one division only).增加“奇袭(突然袭击)”事件概率20%。并且会不让对方看到自己真实部队数。。。大概联机用的。。。“奇袭”发生时,降低对方20%效率。。。不过概率有够低。。。Bitvalue: 16Engineer 工程师Reces river-crossing penalties ring attacks by -20% for all units in the formation under a leader with this trait. The standard penalty for an infantry division is reced from -50% to -30%, for an armored division (e.g. tanks) from -66% to -46% (in HoI version 1.2)降低渡河惩罚20%Bitvalue: 32Fortress Buster 攻坚专家Reces penalty inflicted by fortifications (by 25%).减低工事的惩罚25%Bitvalue: 64Panzer Leader 装甲指挥官Increases combat effectiveness of armoured and mechanized infantry divisions commanded by leader with this trait (by 10%).加坦克和机步10%效率Bitvalue: 128Commando 特种战专家Increases combat effectiveness of commando troops (mountaineers, marines and paratroopers) commanded by a leader with this trait by +10%. Effectiveness of any non-commando troops under a commando leader is reced by -5%.加强山地陆战伞兵10%,如果带其他部队则-5%Bitvalue: 256Old Guard 保守派Accumulates experience at 1/3 of normal rate.1/3速度涨经验。。。Bitvalue: 512Naval Unit Leader TraitsSea Wolf 海狼Increases combat effectiveness of submarines (by 10%).加潜艇效率10%Bitvalue: 1024Blockade-Runner 封锁战专家Decreases chance of being detected by enemy vessels.减低被发现概率Bitvalue: 2048Superior Tactician 战术大师Increases combat effectiveness (by 10%).增加战斗效率10%Bitvalue: 4096Spotter 侦查专家Increases chance of detecting enemy vessels.增加发现敌人几率Bitvalue: 8192Air Unit Leader TraitsSuperior TacticianSuperior Tactician 战术大师Increases combat effectiveness (by 10%).增加战斗效率10%Bitvalue: 4096Spotter 侦查专家Increases chance of detecting enemy vessels.增加发现敌人几率Bitvalue: 8192Tank Buster 忘了中文版叫什么了。。。坦克摧毁专家?Increases combat effectiveness of tactical bombing missions (by 10%).加战术轰炸任务10%(应该是对地,空中封锁什么的)Bitvalue: 16384Carpet Bomber 地毯式轰炸专家Increases combat effectiveness of strategic bombing missions (by 10%).加战略轰炸任务效率10%Bitvalue: 32768Night Flyer 夜航专家Reces penalties when flying at night. +20 ring night combat.减低夜战惩罚20%Bitvalue: 65536Fleet Destroyer 舰船摧毁专家Increases combat effectiveness of naval bombing missions (by 10%).加对船攻击效率10%Bitvalue: 131072Hearts Of Iron II - Doomsday 末日新加There are some differences. The terrain traits add 10% efficiency to that type of terrain which also results in a speed bonus for that terrain. You need to contrast the same kind of units under leaders with or with the trait to see the differences. Inf under a normal leader might have 93% efficiency in a battle in hill terrain, but the same units under a hills fighter could have 102% efficiency.新加的一些是地形适应技能,除了在该地形加10%作战效率外,会加速New Land Unit Leader TraitsDesert Fox 沙漠之狐Bonus in Desert沙漠Bitvalue: 262144Jungle Rat 丛林之鼠。。。猥琐的名字啊Bonus in Jungle丛林Bitvalue: 524288Urban Warfare Specialist 巷战专家Bonus in Urban Areas城市Bitvalue: 1048576Ranger 守林人(森林专家?)Bonus in Forests森林Bitvalue: 2097152Mountaineer 山里人?。。。Bonus in Mountains就是灰色那种高山Bitvalue: 4194304Hills Fighter 丘陵战士。。。Bonus in Hills就是类似橘黄的山Bitvalue: 8388608Counter Attacker 反击专家Increased Chance for Counter Attack combat event加反击几率Bitvalue: 16777216Assaulter 强攻专家Increased Chance for Assault combat event加强攻几率Bitvalue: 33554432Encircler 包围战专家Increased Chance for Encirclement combat event加包围Bitvalue: 67108864Ambusher 伏击专家Increased Chance for Ambush combat event加伏击Bitvalue: 134217728Disciplined 这个怎么翻呢。。。直译叫有纪律的。。。Increased Chance for Delay combat event加迟滞(Delay)几率Bitvalue: 268435456Elastic Defence Specialist 弹性防御专家Increased Chance for Tactical Withdrawal combat event加战术撤退几率Bitvalue: 536870912Blitzer 闪击专家 梦寐以求啊。。。Increased Chance for Breakthrough combat event加突破几率Bitvalue: 1073741824~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~华丽的分割线~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Combat Event In-game TextFor the attacker:攻击方Assault强攻"This represents a particularly forceful sustained attack where the attackers will suffer higher strength losses than normal but will inflict much higher organisation damage to the defenders"这代表一次实际上承受巨大火力的进攻,进攻方会承受比正常更高的兵力损失但是会对防御方造成高得多的组织度打击Encirclement包围"This indicates that the attacking force has briefly managed to pin down and encircle the defenders in a small area of the province. While this effect lasts the defenders will suffer much higher strength losses and the attacker will rarely suffer very much loss of organisation (although they may sustain the normal strength losses"这代表进攻方暂时设法在这个省的一小块区域困住并包围了防守者。当这个效果持续时,防守方会承受高得多的兵力损失而进攻方则很少会损失组织度(虽然兵力一样损失)Ambush伏击"The attacker has managed to ambush the enemy forces inflicting much higher rates of strength and morale damage to the defenders while at the same time greatly recing the amount of those same types of losses that they sustain themselves"进攻方设法伏击了敌人的部队,对防守方造成高得多的兵力和士气(估计就是组织)损失,而同时极大得减低自己的损失Breakthrough 突破"The attacker has managed to overrun an enemy's defences in part of the province. This will seriously disrupt the defender's organisation and rece the strength losses sustained by the attacker"攻击方设法在这个省的一部分地区越过了敌人的防线,这将严重打乱防守方的组织并减低进攻方的兵力损失For the defender:防御方Counterattack反击"This is a concerted attempt by the defending side to launch a minor counter-offensive to disrupt the enemy's plans. While the defenders will suffer somewhat higher strength losses ring this period they will inflict significant organisation losses on the attacker"这是防守方一次协调好的通过发动一次小的反击来打乱敌人计划的尝试。期间,防守方会承受稍高的兵力损失而对进攻方的组织造成沉重打击Delay 迟滞,拖延,不知道中文版翻成啥了"The defending side is employing a delaying action that greatly reces the amount of strength loss it sustains ring this time"防守方进行了一次迟滞行动,极大得减低了期间的兵力损失Tactical Withdrawal 战术撤退"During this period the defender is making a careful tactical withdrawal to a preferred combat location in the province. Both sides will sustain reced levels of strength and organisation loss but the defender will sustain even lower organisation losses than the attacker"在这期间,防守方组织了一次小心的战术撤退到达这个省内的一个更好的战斗位置。双方都将承受更少的兵力和组织损失,但是防守方会承受比攻击方更少的组织损失
实际上用的上的就这么几个acceptall电脑接受一切要求nofog战争迷雾freedom自由调整国家政策event 1009不满度减3event 1012技术突破,获得正在研究中的一项科技的蓝图event 1013工业效率加1%event。
秘技(作弊码): dissent = 增加异议度(建议不使用) supplies = 补给/供应 transports = 增加运输器 escorts = 增加护航队 robespierre = 您能现在做您喜欢的任一项改革(。
攻略说明 这篇攻略详细介绍了德国从1936年开始到1941年为止这六年时间的方方面面,是写给了解历史,喜欢在游戏中重温第三帝国扩张史,弥补德意志的战略失误,对游戏玩法有初步了解的玩家的。那些喜欢追求游戏难度,并不遵守历史的超级玩家们。
第一章 重回1908 第二章 圆珠笔 第三章 伦敦 第四章 自己干? 第五章 回国 第六章 当头炮 第七章 记住你了 第八章 风水宝地 第九章 中国七大铁矿区 第十章 四川綦江 第十一章 三人 第十二章 麻将 第十三。
惠康超市在以下地方: 新界将军澳彩明苑彩明商场2楼220号店铺将军版澳新都城权三期都会豪庭 1 楼 132 铺 新界将军澳海悦豪园购物中心地下2号铺将军澳毓雅里9号慧安园商场A20-34号铺 新 界 将 军 澳 培 成 道8号 南 丰。
发布时间:2024-11-11 12:01
1、现状分析。事业方面:作为一个已经步入工作的大专实习生,我 目前只是在混吃等死,工作缺乏激情甚至厌倦现在的工作,工作技能不过关,职业术语也不过关,缺乏和客户的沟通使客户没有更好的服务体验。学业方面:作为一个将要面对专升本的备考生,我没有。
发布时间:2024-12-16 13:15
现在的票价是恐龙园160元 恐龙谷温泉128元 联票220元 ,你可以先玩恐龙园,一直玩到晚上关门。第2天放松一下,去泡个温泉。如果想去别的地方玩,那就是市里的南大街了南大街也是买衣服啊,吃饭的地方。年轻人喜欢的地方。还有就是开放的红梅公。
发布时间:2024-09-11 21:10
发布时间:2024-12-10 00:34
发布时间:2024-11-02 19:42
发布时间:2024-10-31 06:21
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发布时间:2024-09-21 18:55