


成绩一:翻译成英文:我曾经把材料放在附件里,请查收 The attachment is the information that you want, please check The things/info you want is with the attachment ,please check 规矩点的,i sent the information as mail attachment, pleas郸 check 成绩二:你好!请留神查段碧收附件,感谢!用英语怎样翻译? Good day,please check the attachment, thanks!信函的通用格局,盼望你能采取。 成绩三:请查收附件英语怎样说 请查收附件 Please find the attachment;Pease find enclosed;Please see attachment更多释义>> [收集短语] 请查收附件 please find enclosed;Please find the attachment;Please find accessories 请查收附件材料 Please find the attachment information;Please find attached information;Please find enclosed information annex 请查收附件! Please find the attached file. 成绩四:请查收邮件/附件用英语怎样翻译 please check the email and attantchment 成绩五:救命:“请查收附件”英语怎样说啊? please check your attachment. 成绩六:英文,“请查收附件?”怎样说?感谢 please check the attachment 成绩七:请留神查收用英语怎样说 请留神查收 Please remember to check 重握谈举点侍咐词汇释义 请留神For Your Attention 缩写为 FYA 成绩八:英语邮件中的"请查收附件"怎样说 please check the email and attantchment 成绩九:附件为确认文件,请查收 英文翻译 Please refer to the attachment for verfication purposes. Please refer to the attachment for confirmation purposes. 这里有两种说法 略微有一点差别,verification 一般是让你过目 假如内容不成绩的话就不必答复了如许的 confirmation大年夜部分是请求有复兴的,请求对方confirm,也就是确认。 看本人的情况选一个吧~ 修改:固然楼上的兄弟说的我忘了加了 那就是approved,曾经确认 这个跟verification又有点差别了,approved就是说这个email的感化是告诉你曾经经由过程了。Verification还是须要确认的。 成绩十:请查收 英文怎样说 Please receive(check) it. 请采取吧