


欢送你搭乘京港地铁列车,盼望你有一个高兴的路程!Welcome to Beijing MTR, we hope you will have a pleasant journey!列车即将到站,请警惕列车与站台之间的漏洞。本次列车去往XXX及沿途各站。The train is arriving. Please mind the gap between the train and the platform. This train stops service at XXX station.请照顾好你的小孩,保存好随身携带的行李物品。感谢共同!Please take care of your children and belongings. Thank you!换乘车站,乘客较多,请提前做好下车筹备。 Please be ready to exit as the platform is very busy.为了你的保险,请携带大年夜件行李的乘客利用起落电梯。感谢共同!For safety reasons, please use our lift if you have a baggage for bulky items. Thank you for your cooperation!为了你的保险,在候车的时间请勿倚靠保险门。For your safety, please stand back from the platform screen-doors.请到站台旁边地位等待,那边比较轻易上车。感谢共同!Please move along the platform to of the middle of the train for easier boarding. Thank you!当你利用主动扶梯时,请站稳,扶好;请勿奔驰逆行! When using the escalators, stands firm, holds the handrail. Please don't run or walk in the wrong direction. Thank you!为了保持精良的乘车情况,请勿在站内及车厢内抽烟,摈弃杂物。乘车时,请将座位让给有须要的人士,感谢共同! To keep a clean and healthy environment, don't smoke or litter in trains and stations. Please offer your seats to anyone in need. Thank you for your cooperation!因为前方站台的列车还未开出,本次列车的运即将遭到耽搁。敬请谅解!It will be in a short delay because the train is still in the next platform. Please accept our apology!远途的乘客请往车厢中部走,感谢共同!If you're traveling a distance, please move further inside the train, thank you!请不要手扶或倚靠车门,免得产生伤害。感谢共同!Please do not slim or put hands on the doors.请留神,严禁携带易燃,易爆,有毒伤害品进站,感谢共同!Your attention, please. Inflammable explosive and poisonous items are strictly prohibited anyway in the system. Thank you!请按照空中标记排队候车,先下后上,感谢共同!Please wait inline, while passengers exit from the train. Thank you!