
发布时间:2024-12-14 06:33:22

我试着用给你中英文对比的答案,我不晓得是我本人不完全听正确,还是稿词本身就是如许的,我听出来的英文稿件语法上错洞百出,毫无章法。我这边的稿词是江浙沪大年夜部分高铁上播放的,其他处所可能有所差别,一共有三段,一段是即将到站,一段是曾经到站,另有一段是刚从一个站出发,分辨如下:女士们,老师们!前方到站是XX站,请下车的旅客提前收拾本人的行李,做好下次筹备,你下车时从列车运转偏向的前部车门下车,XX站就要到了!Ladies and Gentlmen, we are approaching station XX station, please check your luggage and prepare to get off the train, please alight front door of this carriage, and let passengers alight first before boarding the train, we are arriving at station XX station.女士们,老师们!XX(告白厂商冠名)号提示你列车曾经达到XX站,因为列车到站泊车时光短,不是本站下车的旅客不要下车漫步,列车停站时站台上不克不及抽烟,请赐与共同。Ladies and Gentlmen, we have arrived at XX station, as stopping here is very short, passengers don't have reached final destination, please don't get off for a walk. Also please(这个转机点我听了有数万套,实在不知所云,只能按照发音凑成两个单词),smoking is not allowed on the platform, thanks for your cooperation.女士们,老师们!欢送你乘坐XX号动车组列车,我代表动车组全部乘务人员向你问好,祝你游览高兴,XX号提示你,列车前方到站是XX站。女士们,老师们!本次列车是绿色环保无烟列车,车门设有烟雾报警器,为了你跟他人的乘车保险,请不要在车上“用火具去抽烟”(用双引号标注的那段话没怎样听明白),放置生手李架上的行李请确认摆放稳妥,免得物品坠落砸伤本人或其他旅客,为了保持车厢内设备设备功能精良,请你在利用时多加爱护,感激你的共同。Ladies and Gentlmen, welcome aboard XX(冠名厂商英文名),I would like to send our regards to you on behalf of all crew members, wish you have a pleasant journey, the next station is XX. Ladies and Gentlmen, you are taking is a green smoking-free train, it equips smoking detect. For your and others' travelling safety, please don't smoke within any area in the train. Please make sure your luggage on luggage rack has been laid safely, so that they are not fallen out of rack, and hurt yourself and other passengers. For keeping equipments and facilities have good functions, please be considerate when you use that, thanks for your cooperation.写到这里,我有一些话要说。也许我听到的上述英文内容不必定完全正确,但是大年夜致框架绝对是不成绩,各位看看这个英文稿词都是什么样的程度,怕是谷歌主动翻译器翻译出来的内容都比这些狗屁英文都好太多,彻彻底底的中式英语,害人不浅。泱泱铁路总公司里,我想英语程度远超于不才的断定一大年夜堆,却竟然能让如此精雕细刻的英文稿词播放在承载着中国梦的高铁上,真是令人大年夜跌眼镜。在这等一般公特性效劳上,当局部分却这般随便敷衍,怎能让国人信赖其权威,怎能让老外爱好咱中国,中国梦,不只须要让高铁高速跑起来的硬气力,更须要高铁上播送听起来很专业的软气力!