在編程中,內置函數是一組由編程言語供給的關鍵功能,它們無需用戶定義即可直接利用。英文中,我們平日將這些內置函數表達為 'built-in functions' 或 'native functions'。本文將具體介紹這一不雅點,並摸索如何在英文表述中利用這些術語。
- When using the 'print' function in Python, we refer to it as a built-in function since it comes with the language itself.
- In JavaScript, the 'alert' function is a native function that displays a warning message to the user.
- In C, functions like 'strlen' or 'malloc' are part of the standard library, which can be considered as built-in functions.
- 'I utilized the built-in function to sort the array.'
- 'This program uses a native function for calculating the square root.'
最後,總結一下,懂得如何在英文中正確表達內置函數的不雅點對編程文檔的編寫、代碼注釋以及國際化的編程交換都至關重要。經由過程利用 'built-in functions' 或 'native functions' 如許的術語,我們可能清楚地傳達函數是言語的一部分,而不是用戶自定義的。