
提问者:用户kYJKeFwe 发布时间: 2024-11-11 20:26:55 阅读时间: 3分钟


以下为您提供一些警察英语对话的示例: - 民警在现场办案时:Hello, what‘s your name? - 处理交通违法时: - P: I'm sorry, ma'am. You can't stop here. 对不起,夫人,这里不能停车。 - D: I'm sorry, Officer. I'm waiting for someone. 对不起,警官,我在等人。 - P: You can't stop here, ma'am. 您不能在这里停车,女士。 - D: May I stop here for a few minutes? I'm waiting for someone. 我可以在这里停几分钟吗?我在等人。 - P: Yes, for a few minutes. Don't leave your car, please. 可以,停几分钟可以,请不要下车。 - P: This is a one_way street. 这是单行道。 - D: I'm sorry, I didn't see the sign. 对不起,我没看到标志。 - P: Please turn around and go back. 请调转方向向回走。 - P: May I see your driver's license? 您的驾照让我看看好吗? - D: Yes. What's the matter, Officer? 是的,有什么不对吗?警官。 - P: You were going 65 kilometers an hour. The speed limit is 40 kilometers. You made a left turn. You passed a car on the left. You were driving recklessly. You went through a red light. 您的车速是每小时 65 公里。时速限制是 40 公里。您左转了。您从左侧超车了。您疯狂驾车。您闯红灯了。 - D: I'm sorry, Officer. 对不起,警官。 - P: Don't do it. - 讨论美国警察相关时: - Nitiya: OK, can you actually talk a little bit about police in America? How much does the civilians trust them or what beliefs you have about them? 妮提亚:您能谈一下美国的警察吗?美国公民有多信任他们?或者说您对他们有什么看法? - Todd: Ooh, that I guess would depend on where you live. I grew up in a pretty small town. I'm white, Caucasian, and I think that most Causasian people trust the police pretty much 100%. They think that they're there to serve and protect, but unfortunately minority groups, blacks or African Americans and Hispanic people, Asian people sometimes don't trust the police. 托德:哦,我认为这取决于您生活在哪里。我在一个小城镇长大。我是白人,我认为大部分白人百分百信任警察。他们认为警察是为服务和保护他们而存在的,但不幸的是,黑人、非洲裔美国人、西班牙裔和亚洲人等少数族裔有时并不信任警察。 - Nitiya: OK, why do you think they don't trust the police sometimes? 妮提亚:您为什么认为他们有时不相信警察呢? - Todd: Well, one is because the police probably don't treat them fairly. Often they live, some minority groups, live in poor areas, and in the poor areas there might be higher crime and the police probably have more stress, and they have they're more... defensive, and as a result maybe they behave poorly, or they don't treat certain minority groups equally. They're more suspicious, and as a result, sometimes bad things happen. 托德:其中一个原因是警察可能没有公平对待他们。一些少数族裔生活在贫困地区,贫困地区的犯罪率一般较高,警察压力更大,所以他们更具防备性,结果可能行为不当,或者没有平等对待某些少数族裔。他们更多疑,所以有时会发生不好的事情。 - Nitiya: So basically, most of the people do trust, it's like that. 妮提亚:基本上来说,大部分人是信任警察的,是这样吗? - Todd: I think, I think most people trust the police. I think, understandably, especially African Americans, don't trust the police because they think the police is always nervous and edgy around them, and that the police might use violence against them, or suspect that they are criminals, when they are just a good ordinary citizen, and so they probably don't trust the police as much. 托德:我认为大部分人信任警察。我觉得可以理解,尤其是非洲裔美国人,他们不相信警察,因为他们认为警察在他们身边总是紧张和不安,警察可能会对他们使用暴力,或者怀疑他们是罪犯,而他们只是普通的守法公民,所以他们可能不太信任警察。 - Nitiya: OK, then and there is one more thing I want to ask you, about this police thing, so African Americans don't become police? 妮提亚:好,关于警察这个事我还有一个问题要问您,没有非洲裔美国人当警察吗? - Todd: Oh, no, it's quite often that African Americans do become police. 托德:不是,有很多非洲裔美国人当警察。 - Nitiya: OK, so you do have black people, who are police? 妮提亚:好,所以确实有黑人警察? - Todd: Oh, of course and you have, we have minority group. Usually where you have distrust with the police is the major larger cities, and it's a race thing, that has to do with race, but it also is an income thing, where usually the lower income people often feel like they're not treated, you know, fairly I guess. I mean what is it like in India? Do you have complete trust of the police? 托德:当然,我们有一部分黑人警察。通常不相信警察的情况出现在较大的城市,这与种族问题有关,当然也与收入有关,我想收入偏低的人会感觉他们没有被公平对待。

1. Grapes(葡萄)2. Garlic(大蒜)3. Gingerbread(姜饼)4. Green beans(绿豆)5. Gouda cheese(豪达干酪)6. Guava(番石榴)7. Grapefruit(柚子)8. Gumm。